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Professional profile

The graduate will be trained to:

  • Diagnose and treat the most frequent Oral Health problems.
  • Project his performance to the family group with educational and therapeutic criteria.
  • Identify analyze, and propose solutions to most relevant Dental health problems in the community.
  • Assist patients and the community with solid, ethical and humanistic education.
  • Act with awareness in his obligations to society.
  • Design and execute research projects.

Occupational profile

The graduate will be able to perform as:

  • General dentist in II and I levels of health care.
  • Dentist of educational institutions.
  • Responsible for a position in a health center.
  • Director of specific health programs in his community.
  • Basic researcher in areas such as epidemiology, an important area in the Community.

Applicant's profile

The applicant for the Dentistry Program of the University of Magdalena must be a graduate of the Higher Secondary Education. A future professional who carries out his profession responsibly by diagnosing individual and collective oral health. A person able to generate solutions in a preventive way and promote health; to gather personal attitudes that allow him to face the demands of health care, show sensitivity to the needs of the population; have a critical sense, cognitive, communicative and social leadership attitudes.