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Master's Degree in Agricultural Sciences


Train integral master graduates with quality, leadership capacity, citizen values ??and professional competences in the field of research and deepening in Agricultural Sciences. Through teaching and research, the program generates and disseminates knowledge to improve the quality of life of the communities, contributes to sustainable development and contributes to the consolidation of democracy and peaceful coexistence. They work permanently in an environment of participation, solidarity, commitment, sense of belonging and respect for the environment and food security.


To be leaders in the training of human talent in the field of Agricultural Sciences, with national relevance and international projection, promoting the development and technological transformation of the Colombian agricultural sector, from the perspective of the sustainable use and deep knowledge of natural resources as soil and water to generate highly efficient production systems.




Admission requirements

The documents that applicants must submit to the Agricultural Sciences program are the following:

  • Original and copy of the enrollment payment flyer.
  • Registration Form completed with digitally uploaded photo (photo in JPG format, 3x4 white background) available on the website of the Admissions and Registration Group http://admisiones.unimagdalena.edu.co/
  • The form will specify the modality and the area of ??investigation or deepening chosen by the applicant.
  • Photocopy of identity document.
  • Minutes or diploma of original Degree and its photocopy.
  • Curriculum vitae updated and certified.
  • Original and copy of the current electoral certificate, if you have it, you will get a 10% discount.
  • Undergraduate qualification certificate with minimum average of 350 over 500 or its equivalent in the scale of 1 to 5 used by other institutions.
  • Two letters of recommendation in a sealed envelope may be from teachers or employers.
  • Preliminary proposal endorsed by a professor linked to a research group of the University of Magdalena or another academic institution, where they specify their research topic of interest and the relationship with the area of ??research or deepening in which they wish to pursue their Master degree.
  • Additionally, for the registration to the Master of Agricultural Sciences, it is required to accredit the professional title in careers related to the Program: Agronomic Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Agroforestry Engineering, Agronomy, Biology, Microbiology or related.

Graduation Requirements

To complete the Master of Agricultural Sciences, students must coplete the following requirements:

  • Have completed and approved the fifty (48) academic credits of the curriculum.
  • Present, sustain and approve the deepening or research work of the master's degree in an area of ??study knowledge.
  • Certification of the proficiency test in English at least at a B1 level.
  • The other administrative requirements established by the University.