Professional profile
The doctor graduated from the University of Magdalena will have the following professional characteristics:
- Diagnose and treat the most frequent health problems.
- Project his work to the family group with a therapeutic and educational criterion.
- Identify, analyze and propose solutions to the most relevant community health problems.
- Lead the health team in a permanent task of prevention and rehabilitation, both individual and community of the population under his care.
- Assist patients and the community with a solid ethical and humanistic training.
- Act at all times in a conscious manner of his obligations to society.
- Design and execute research projects.
Occupational profile
The doctor of the University of Magdalena will be able to perform as:
- General practitioner at all levels of health care.
- Physician responsible for a health center.
- Doctor of educational institutions.
- Physician of sports institutions.
- Health director of a municipality.
- Researcher in the area of ??biomedical sciences.
- Director of specific health programs in his community.
Applicant's profile
The candidates to the medicine program must be ideal citizens, with a conscience and spirit of social service, capable of assuming a critical attitude to each situation, analyzing it and deciding responsibly and freely. People characterized by their great interest in the study of the human body, its functioning and what is associated with the health, well-being and diseases of a patient. They are also people who stand out for having cognitive linguistic skills and logical thinking; for being intuitive and curious in the search for answers that allow expanding their knowledge and for their commitment to society.