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Contribute to the socioeconomic development of the Caribbean Region and the country, through the comprehensive training of economists of high professional and ethical quality; recognized by their academic skills, the rigorous foundation in economic theory, the mastery of quantitative techniques and tools; and by their ability to lead the creation and transformation of organizations and society where they interact with a competitive, sustainable vision with social justice .

Through the development of research and social projection activities, the Economics Program contributes to the creation and dissemination of knowledge for the development of the discipline, strengthens the processes of academic formation, and increases the capacity to understand the facts and phenomena of the regional, national and international economy. These skills allow the economist to be actively linked to the solution of the problems of their environment and to contribute in the generation of dynamics of development that allow the improvement of the community’s quality of life.


he Economics Program of University of Magdalena will be recognized in the Caribbean Region and in the national context, for its high academic quality, backed by the professional performance of its graduates and the qualification of its teachers, the leadership and projection of its students, and the relevance of their research that contributes to the solution of the economic and social problems of their environment.

The Economics Program of University of Magdalena is projected as a program accredited by the high academic quality of its professional training processes; with postgraduate training programs and continuing education with high quality inter and transdisciplinary approaches for the development and application of economic knowledge in the regional and national environment.

A program with a highly qualified faculty (masters and doctorates); with qualifications and skills to respond to the demands of academic training, with competitive graduates distinguished by their high academic preparation, leadership skills and technical and human skills that allow them to be involved in the dynamics of regional development; with a research center of wide recognition and consolidation in the regional and national academic communities, which develops research, consultancies and publications of high quality and relevance and will also have a nationally and internationally indexed journal; with links to international and academic networks and research communities of high prestige and excellence, which favor the academic mobility of teachers and students and facilitate the appropriation and transfer of knowledge and technology.


The Agricultural Economics Program is created to train professionals at a higher level to meet the growing demand generated by the massive expansion of the baccalaureate and to provide qualified human resources to the agricultural productive sector, which was beginning to expand in the department of Magdalena.

During the decade of the 70s and 80s, the program began to introduce a series of curricular changes to try to adapt it to regional needs and separate it from the agronomic training with which it maintained a hybrid character (Educational Project, Economics Program, 2004). At that time, the relevant elements to criticize the curriculum revolved around the excessive number of subjects, its encyclopedic character, its rigidity, the repetition of subjects in different subjects and the poor foundation in Economic Sciences, among others (Navarro, 2002).

In 1992, within the framework of the new curricular changes and in response to the crisis in the agricultural sector, the Agricultural Economy program was reformed and two emphases were created: an Agricultural and an International one. With this new curricular proposal, it was sought to offer a greater foundation in economic sciences, as well as to provide greater curricular flexibility to students. Only the Program of International Economy was embraced and began to work in 1994.

The curriculum of the Economics Program with an emphasis in International Economics, although it reduced the number of courses and the encyclopedic character, inherited some weaknesses of the previous plans related to the little curricular flexibility due to the excessive prerequisites and corequisites in the subjects and the poor foundation in economic theory, especially in areas such as macroeconomics and microeconomics.

With the process of Academic Reform carried out by the University of Magdalena in 2001, there is then a change of the curricular model, moving to study plans, organized by academic credits, training by cycles, axes and learning a second language, inclusion of a semester of professional practice, among other reforms.

For 2000-2009, the emphasis placed on the subject of territorial planning and regional development has become tangible in products with a high local impact, such as the Land Management Plan of Santa Marta 2000-2009; The formulation of this plan fell under the direction and design of three economists graduated from the University of Magdalena, as well as the accompaniment of students in the discussion process.

The Program was actively involved in all activities related to the formulation of the Strategic Export Plan of Santa Marta and Magdalena, integrating the panels of the CARCE (Regional Advisory Committee on Foreign Trade), to promote the export culture. In this subject the graduates of the Economics Program with emphasis in international economics, managed to participate in projects such as Expopyme, in which they are linked to the SMEs of the city to support their business management focused on export.

On the other hand, for 2009 the program develops the self-assessment processes for accreditation purposes, obtaining the certification of an accredited program in 2012 for six (6) years through Resolution # 10686. Likewise, the process of renewal of the Accreditation for High Quality has been worked since 2016.

Organizational Chart



The Economics Program received the High Quality Accreditation from the Ministry of National Education through Resolution # 10686 of September 6, 2012, valid for six (6) years. In March 2018, it filed the application for renewal of the accreditation proceeds from a process of Self-evaluation that began from 2016 with the participation of teachers, students, graduates and administrative and directive board.



Nuestro programa de economía cuenta con un registro calificado No. 016203 vigente con fecha de 18 diciembre 2019.

Así contamos con los siguientes documentos de suma importancia que es muy necesario que conozcas.



La Universidad del Magdalena es un referente de la Región Caribe por la armonía entre sus espacios verdes y la infraestructura física, su sede principal se localiza en la ciudad de Santa Marta, capital del departamento de Magdalena.

Asimismo, posee uno de los campus universitarios más grandes de la región, con un área de aproximadamente de 47,5 Ha. Todos los que en ella convergen encuentran un espacio equipado con la tecnología necesaria para desarrollar las actividades académicas, recreativas, deportivas, culturales, interactuando con el ambiente y las diversas especies de fauna y flora que habitan dentro del campus.

El campus universitario en sí se considera como un laboratorio abierto debido a su variedad de fauna y flora distribuidas en amplias zonas verdes, lagos y zonas de bosque para el desarrollo de diversas experiencias prácticas de acuerdo con las necesidades de los programas. 

Para el 2022 la institución aumentó su área construida destinada a actividades de docencia y bienestar en 27.745 m2, que incluyen espacios académicos que cuentan con una cobertura del 100% en dotación de ayudas audiovisuales, sistemas de aires acondicionados de última tecnología ahorradores de energía y amigables con el medio ambiente.

Desde el 2014 se han adecuado y modernizado 5 salas generales de cómputo e informática y laboratorios como el de Animación y Postproducción Audiovisual, Tecnologías de la información, Sistemas Operativos, Aplicaciones informáticas para el programa de Economía los estudiantes y docentes.

En 2018 se construyeron en el edificio del  Centro de innovación y emprendimiento (Edificio modular) donde se cuenta con diferentes áreas tales como:



Student outcomes

Resultados del Aprendizaje

En el año 2019 el Ministerio de Educción Nacional (MEN) emitió el Decreto 1330 con el objetivo de regular los procesos de registro calificado y calidad académica de las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) y fortalecer la visión de calidad que responda a las diversas demandas del contexto nacional e internacional. Los resultados de aprendizaje se convierten de uno de los elementos importantes contemplados en el Decreto que, posteriormente, es conceptualizado por Consejo Nacional de Educación 
Superior CESU a través de su Acuerdo 02 del año 2020. 

El Programa de Economía, acorde a lo establecido en la actualización del modelo de acreditación del CESU y basados en las apuestas de mejoramiento de la calidad contempladas en el Plan de Desarrollo Universitario 2030 “Unimagdalena Comprometida” 
y la apuesta estratégica de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Económicas en mejorar las condiciones de calidad de los programas académicos, propone la definición de los resultados de aprendizaje que el Economista de la Universidad del Magdalena deberá alcanzar al finalizar su proceso de formación académica. 

Para la definición de resultados de aprendizaje se tomó como referencia la metodología propuesta por el docente Alexander Tobón (2019) en su texto: “Diseño e implementación de resultados de aprendizaje para pregrados de economía”. En este sentido, el presente documento se propone como una guía orientativa para que los docentes del Programa inicien el proceso de definición de dichos resultados de aprendizajes en cada uno de los cursos que orientan. Para tal fin, se han tomado como modelo las asignaturas que se encuentran definidos en el área de formación básica disciplinar expresa en el Plan de Estudios (Acuerdo Académico 035 de 2011). 

RA1: Contrasta los diferentes postulados del conocimiento económico con las realidades en contextos reales a nivel multiescalar.

RA2: Deduce los razonamientos que componen el conocimiento económico para aproximarse a las posibles soluciones.

RA3: Analiza las diferentes situaciones problemáticas socioeconómicas y ambientales utilizando como soporte los postulados del conocimiento económico y las herramientas técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas.

RA4: Aplica el conocimiento económico en diferentes contextos haciendo uso de herramientas técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas.

RA5: Propone soluciones a los diferentes problemas existentes en el territorio utilizando los postulados económicos y las herramientas cuantitativas y cualitativas.